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As part of our ongoing mission to maintain and enhance the historic beauty and character of the area, the Silvermine Community Association (SCA) installed a new painted “Welcome to Silvermine Historic Area” sign near the intersection of Silvermine Avenue and River Road on July 10th.

Featuring the historic symbol of Silvermine, a swan, the sign was a year in the making, thanks to generous support from our neighbors, board members, and friends. Special thanks to our friends Mayor Harry Rilling and his wife Lucia, and to Senator Bob Duff for their ongoing support of our community.  All were on hand to celebrate with us at the installation.

The SCA has commissioned and maintained historic signage to mark the boundaries of Silvermine since 1962. A special Boundaries Committee was formed to undertake the task at that time. This committee carefully researched various documents and historical records that included zoning and geophysical survey maps; early postal routes; charts of analysis of the Silvermine River and its tributaries; and historical documents of the Towns of Wilton, New Canaan and City of Norwalk.  The original iron “This Is Silvermine” sign was created and installed in 1963 at various locations through a collaboration of John Vassos, Clifton Meek and Granville Ackermann.

In the Spring of 2006, the SCA worked to restore the signage and visibly mark Silvermine’s boundaries at key ‘gateways’ where residents and visitors enter into Silvermine. At key locations in Norwalk, New Canaan, and Wilton, we placed replicas of the iron “This Is Silvermine” sign originally created in 1963.

Historic signs