Spring is just around the corner! In a couple of months Silverminers will be able to bask in the warmth of the sun and beauty of the area as trees and flowers burst with color. To help us all shake any lingering winter cold effects, the SCA has a few events in store for everyone. On March 8th, from 5:00 to 6:30pm, we are hosting our first Jazz + Art Series! Come listen to a live jazz trio, enjoy wine and lite bites, learn about a couple of paintings from the artists, and mingle with your friends and neighbors. In partnership with the Silvermine Arts Center, we are delighted to share music for your ears and eyes. Later in the month (date to be confirmed soon) we’ll be holding our second Silvermine Mixer at B.J. Ryan’s (sweet note: B.J. Ryan’s was the generous donor of the hot cocoa we offered to all attendees at our popular Santa Christmas Eve event). Mixers are casual and informal– and very fun! Please spread the word– we have significant membership growth goals this year and appreciate your “advertising!” See you at an upcoming event and around Silvermine.
February 2025
As we see snow on our lawns and feel the brisk winter winds outside, it's the perfect time to enjoy some of the warm and cozy SCA activities we have in store this month and next. First up, the launch of our new Parents Group on Friday, February 28, with a Happy Hour...