Welcome to Silvermine!

Norwalk  |   New Canaan   |   Wilton

Silvermine by Joyce Andersen

The Silvermine Community Association is a non-profit organization that brings residents together from the Silvermine areas of Norwalk, New Canaan and Wilton. We celebrate our special history, deep community pride, good fortune of living in beautiful Silvermine, and passion for creating a true sense of neighborly belonging through social, civic and philanthropic activities all year long.

Upcoming Events

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Congratulations to Our Inaugural
Silvermine Photo Contest Winners!

Thank you to everyone who submitted. Our 2025 Contest will kick off next Spring so be on the lookout for great Silvermine scenes as you walk around!

Click to see all of the winning submissions.

Would you like to be featured in “Meet a Member”?

Just fill out this form!

Meet a Member: Kelly Catta

Brief description of you/your family/pets

We’re a family of 5 (daughter, dog, cat) who love all sorts of outdoor adventures, fireside vino chats, and home improvement projects. We love taking our daily walks around our charming town, always running into new/old friends to chat with!

How long have you lived in Silvermine?

7 years

What three adjectives do you feel best describe Silvermine?

Quaint, charming, welcoming

What part does the Silvermine Community Association play in your overall sense of “being a Silverminer?”

We have enjoyed meeting new neighbors/friends from all walks of life to enjoy stories and new memories together.

What is/are your favorite SCA event/s?

SANTA! And meeting some of our closest friends at the Silvermine Golf Course event.

What future events or activities would you like to see the SCA offer?

Street BBQ/block parties with live bands. More kids events (a pet farm?!? at a local home). A weekly yoga or neighbor sport/activity in the Barn. A dinner event at GrayBarns. A women’s book club.