One of the oldest traditions in Silvermine is the arrival of Santa Claus on Christmas Eve in the Silvermine Arts Center parking lot.

This celebration is one of the most popular events on our community calendar.

While the event is free and open to all, you must be a 2023/24 member of the SCA to drop off gifts for Santa (Join now). Membership is $50 and covers the whole family.

It’s Confirmed!

We have received official word from the North Pole, and are happy to report that once again, Santa will arrive promptly at 2:00 p.m! As usual, there will be lots of hot chocolate for everyone in the Silvermine Arts Center parking lot while season’s greetings are exchanged by all who attend.

Santa's elves will be hiding here from 10:00 - 2:00 on Christmas Eve

Santa’s elves will be hiding here from 10:00 – 2:00 on Christmas Eve

For those who are new to the community, this is the way things work: On December 24th, between 10:00am and 12:00pm, sneak away to 297 Silvermine Ave – an antique red home near the Silvermine Tavern.

At the Brown’s home, you’ll find Santa’s elves awaiting the arrival of your child’s gift. Label the gift with your child’s name in large block letters and tie multiple gifts together. Occasionally, Santa has been known to forget his spectacles, and he doesn’t want any child to worry about being forgotten.

Everyone is welcome to start gathering at the Silvermine Arts Center at 1:00 to catch up with neighbors and friends. At 2:00 p.m., you’ll hear the jolly sound of Santa ringing bells as he rounds the corner into the Silvermine Arts Center parking lot. For the next hour or so, the air will be filled with the merry sound of children’s excited voices as gifts are opened and admired. And yes, Santa sent a message again this year, saying the elves will be handing out candy canes to all those youngsters waiting to hear their names called!

Don’t miss this very special annual tradition. Plan to join the festivities on Wednesday, December 24th at 1:00 p.m. in the Silvermine Arts Center parking lot featuring live music. Be sure to dress for the weather. In years past, Silvermine has resembled the North Pole!